About SusGlobal Energy
Learn more about SusGlobal Energy
Learn more about SusGlobal Energy
With the growing amount of organic wastes being produced by society as a whole, a solution for sustainable global management of these wastes must be achieved. SusGlobal Energy through decades of innovation and proprietary technology is equipped and confident to deliver this objective.
Energy of the future is renewable energy. Sources of this type of energy are more evenly distributed over the earth’s surface than finite energy sources, making it an attractive alternative to petroleum based energy. Biomass, one of the renewable resources, is derived from organic material such as forestry, food, plant and animal residuals. SusGlobal Energy can therefore help you turn what many consider waste into precious energy.
Converting organic material into valuable end products such as biogas, liquid biofuels and compost emphasize the large magnitude of utility. These products can be converted into electricity, fuels and marketed to agricultural operations that are looking for an increase in crop yields, soil amendment and environmentally-sound practices. This practice also diverts these materials from landfills and reduces greenhouse gas emissions that result from landfilling organic wastes. SusGlobal Energy can provide peace of mind that the full lifecycle of organic material is achieved, global benefits are realized and stewardship for total sustainability is upheld.
Our project and services offered can benefit the public and private markets. The following includes some of our work managing organic waste streams: Anaerobic Digestion, Dry Digestion, Biogas production, Wastewater Treatment, In- Vessel Composting, Source Separated Organics Treatment, Biosolids Heat Treatment and Composting.
Susglobal Energy can provide a full range of services for handling your organic residuals in a period where innovation and sustainability are paramount. From start to finish SusGlobal Energy can offer in-depth knowledge, a wealth of experience and cutting-edge technology for all your needs in handling organic waste. This is defined by years of attaining proprietary processes, combining different treatments and many years of innovative experience and technical knowledge to provide our clients with total solutions.
By leveraging existing relationships in the waste to energy Industry including existing patent and both proprietary and intellectual property, SusGlobal Energy seeks to build a large and diversified portfolio of these technologies with the objective of monetizing them. The portfolio will comprise four distinct types of technologies:
Process Source Separated Organics (“SSO”) in anerobic digestors to divert from landfills and recover biogas. This biogas can be converted to gaseous fuel for industrial processes, electricity to the grid or cleaned for compressed renewable gas.
Debottleneck existing anerobic digestors to allow processing of SSO to increase biogas yield.
Utilize recycled plastics to produce liquid fuels.
Transform biosolids and organic waste into a pathogen free recognized organic fertilizer.
Under the guidance and supervision of the Board, SusGlobal Engergy pursues the highest standards of corporate responsibility in all we do.

Marc Hazout
Founded SusGlobal Energy and currently serves as a Director, Chairman, President and CEO

Susan Harte, ESQ., MCR
Currently serves as an Independent Director of SusGlobal Energy Corp.

Marc Hazout
Founded SusGlobal Energy and currently serves as a Director, Chairman, President and CEO

Mr. Rintoul left Veolia in March 2022 after more than 6 years with Veolia in Houston, TX, and Toronto, ON. As Senior VP of Operations at Veolia, he led the transformation of U.S. and Canadian energy generation, water/wastewater management, hazardous waste, and environmental service businesses through structural changes, business process improvements, and data management system implementations. The resulting operational and financial performance improvement subsequently facilitated the divestment of several Veolia businesses in North America.
Mr. Rintoul graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering and is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. He received his MBA from the University of Western Ontario, his ICD-DEP from the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management and his ICD.D from the Institute of Corporate Directors, Calgary, Alberta.

Within the complex and rapidly changing environmental and waste management sectors, we understand the need to continually invest in the latest technologies and innovative processes, and to contribute as Leaders in The Circular Economy™. It is this commitment that allows us to safely deliver quality, value and integrity to every one of our projects.

SusGlobal is fully licensed and insured to wholly protect the best interest of our clients. We carry a comprehensive package of general liability insurance with special coverage for environmental pollution. Additional coverage for specific projects is also available, including increased limits and other coverage as required by our clients.
We also hold an up-to-date registration with workers' compensation programs.
Our continual investment in industry leading certifications and qualifications ensures that all of our business processes are executed with a focus on quality and safety, while fully complying with environmental standards.
We have Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECAs) from the Ministry of the Environment in the application of specific treatment technologies and processes.
We are committed to sharing the expertise of our seasoned team while learning and collaborating with other industries and professionals. As part of this commitment, we participate as active members of many industry leading associations, including:
- Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA)
- Canadian Biogas Association (CBA)
- Compost Council of Canada